Self Improvement Articles

The Link between Hormones and Happiness

The Link between Hormones and Happiness

Hormones… they certainly don’t get much respect at times. What do they have to do with happiness? Actually, hormones play a big role in this feeling, and we are wise to learn about what factors they play in this area and what we can do to capitalize on them.

How Hormones Work

Hormones are special chemical messengers that control most of the body’s processes. The endocrine glands create these special messengers and our body relies on them to function properly.

How we treat our bodies and the substances we surround ourselves with makes a difference in how these hormones are able to help us. By learning what they do and how we can assist them in doing their job, we will be closer to our goal of happiness.

What Hormones Are Related to Happiness?

There are several hormones that can boost one’s happiness. The main ones include serotonin, oxytocin and dopamine.

Serotonin has become quite well known in recent times. It is a neurotransmitter, which takes messages from one part of the brain to another. Serotonin is crucial in preventing depression and other mental illness, and problems occur when you have either a shortage of this hormone or when it is unable to do its job.

Oxytocin is known as the “love hormone” and has a variety of jobs, which include helping people improve their social skills and minimizing fear.

Dopamine is another neurotransmitter, and it is activated when a positive and unexpected circumstance happens – which is why it is known for its role in helping the brain learn about rewards.

Natural Ways to Balance Your Hormones

Hormones need to maintain a fine balance in order to allow you to function at optimum levels. Too much or too little of any hormone will cause short- and long-term problems healthwise. Because our happiness is dependent on this, we are wise to do our best to find a healthy balance for all the hormones in our body, in order to create an environment that supports feeling good.

Some important ways to keep your hormones in good balance and working order are to get sufficient sleep each night, exercise regularly and eliminate toxins from your daily life. Minimize stress in your life as much as possible, and avoid birth control pills if possible.

Foods to Balance Your Hormones

Food plays an important role in the balance of hormones. There are many foods that you should make a point of eating on a daily basis, and many you should strive to avoid.

Foods and nutrients that help your body balance hormones and keep you happy include healthy fats such as those found in coconut oil, avocados, nuts and wild salmon. Vitamin D is an important supplement, as is magnesium. A sufficient amount of clean proteins should be eaten, as well as plenty of vegetables.

Your hormones play an essential role in your feelings of happiness. Keeping them balanced and working for you properly is important in order to ensure feelings of mental wellness. By following the guidelines above, you will be able to balance your hormones and live a life of happiness and satisfaction.

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The Link between Friends and Happiness

The Link between Friends and Happiness

Happiness is a lifelong pursuit. A crucial ingredient in lifelong happiness is connection to others and deep, lasting friendships. Friends are a gift to be treasured, and their role in our lives include the ability to bring us happiness and joy. Here is how your friends and your happiness are related.

More Sociable People Are Rated as Happier

It has been studied and shown that individuals who are more sociable are also happier people. As we age, it gets more difficult to find friends and meet people on a regular basis than when we were children. Those who seek out friendships and rate this as important, also rate themselves as being happier.

Individuals who isolate themselves fall more easily into depression and stress. Introverts need friends just as much as extroverts do, and friends can help take the edge off of loneliness and sadness. Even if you are not a natural extrovert, make a point of building friendships in order to contribute towards your mental health and happiness.

Strong Friendships Are Known to Lessen Depression and Stress

People who rely on others to lift themselves up tend to be less stressed and depressed. Having a close friend you can talk to about your problems can serve as an important aid in releasing negative feelings. Confiding in a friend tends to reverse feelings of loneliness, and most friends offer words of comfort which affects you in a positive way, knowing that someone cares.

Being the one your friend asks for encouragement has positive benefits too, as it enforces the belief that you are needed and important. Having a happy friend heightens a person’s happiness, yet having a sad friend doesn’t affect you in equal proportions. This means that the benefits of friendship always outweigh the drawbacks.

Everyone collectively gains benefits through friendship, no matter whether you or your friend start out happy or not.

Positive Friends Affect Those around Them

Happiness is contagious. When you are around someone who is positive, life feels better. It doesn’t matter how stressed you might feel when you are alone; getting together with a good friend is therapeutic.

Make a choice to spend the majority of your time with people who are committed to a positive outlook on life. Encourage friends who need encouragement, but spend most of your time with those who are uplifting to your emotions. You will find yourself feeling more and more that way as time goes on.

Be the positive friend who encourages others as well. As the positive energy rubs off on you, so it should then rub off on those around you. Make a choice to encourage your friends, and to leave them feeling better than before they saw you.

Your Friends Adjust to Your Needs

Close friends have been shown to be flexible in their support of us. This means that if you are trying to lose five pounds for fun and you are being tempted by a craving, a good friend will likely indulge with you.

On the other hand, if your health depends on losing the weight, a good friend is more likely to hold you accountable and help you stick to your decision. Good friends help you say no when it matters, and help you say yes when you simply need to de-stress.

Friendships are important in regards to happiness. When you are a good friend who also chooses good friends, the benefits multiply. Choose friendship, and enrich your happiness in a great way.

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