
Johan Oosthuizen is a full-time internet marketer and provides people with guidance on how to better themselves, by showing them how to live a healthier life, make more money and how to improve their relationship with other people

Activities For Stress Relief=Walking Tops The List

Activities For Stress Relief=Walking Tops The List

They say that exercise is one of the best activities for stress relief that you can do. And of all the exercises you can do, walking tops the list.

Taking a nice walk after dinner with your spouse, or a friend, or even your kids, is a great way to relax and have some fun, too.

Make sure you have some good walking shoes with good support and wear some non-restricting clothing like sweat pants and a t-shirt. Throw a light jacket over everything if the weather is a little cool. You can always take it off if you get too warm.

Start slowly, if you are not accustomed to walking or exercising, just make the first walk around the block in your neighborhood. Do this for a week or two until your body gets used to it then branch out and go two or three blocks.

Keep doing this every day or mix things up a bit and go to a local park or forest preserve and walk the trails.

Maybe you live in an area that has a bike path or walking trail that the city or county keeps up for those who want to use it. Sometimes they can go for miles and let you see some of the area where you live.

Just being out in nature has a calming effect on the body so walking through a nature preserve is one of the best activities for stress relief you can do for yourself.

Relieving the tension in your life is as important as eating and drinking. If you let it all build up it can have some detrimental effects on your body and overall health.

Headaches, heartburn, depression, anger, and increased anxiety are all symptoms of increased tension. If all of these go unchecked for an extended period of time it can lead to more serious things like high blood pressure.

High blood pressure can lead to any number of even more serious conditions like stroke and heart attack. It can have a domino effect where one thing leads to another and another.

Any form of exercise will help reduce the amount of tension you feel especially after the first few times you do it and the soreness or stiffness all goes away. After a work out you will feel energized and able to take on the world again with confidence.

I chose to tell you about walking because research has shown walking to be the best and it is easy to do. All you have to do is get up and start doing it. You do not have to join a gym to do your walking but you can if you want to.

You can basically walk anywhere. If you live in a place that has winter and it is too cold to walk outside for some of the year, a lot of people choose to walk at a local mall when the weather is bad.

Do yourself a favor, take care of yourself, get up and do one of the best activities for stress relief there is, take a walk.

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How Self-Discipline Benefits You at Work and When You Study

How Self-Discipline Benefits You at Work and When You Study

Out of everything you learned as a kid growing up, self-discipline is probably one of the most vital skills. If you have learned this lesson, you’ll reap the benefits your entire life by reaching for and meeting your goals more easily. Plus, you will be living your life at full blast because you won’t have as much stress.

1. You Won’t Be Impulsive – When you are able to control your own impulses, you tend to make much better decisions because you’re willing to stop and think before doing so. That means you’ll have fewer things to be sorry about at work or school. You won’t skip studying to go out and party; you won’t quit working on a project to hang out with friends; and you will get things done because you won’t create unneeded drama caused by impulsiveness.

2. You Know Your Priorities – A self-disciplined person is very aware of the priorities they have each day. They are prepared and look over everything in plenty of time to arrange their day to meet those priorities.

3. You Will Meet Your Obligations – Let’s be clear. Meeting obligations feels good. It’s not a downer or a drag on your life. When you follow through and do something at work or school (or life) that is important, it feels good, and you want to do it again.

4. Reduces Procrastination – Procrastination is really a symptom of a larger problem – usually a lack of confidence in skills, imposter syndrome, or fear of success. When you have self-discipline, you tend to make a schedule that doesn’t consider your mood or anything but getting it done and done right.

5. You Don’t Need Passion to Finish Projects – One of the biggest myths of life is that you should work or do things when you feel like it. When the passion strikes is the time to work according to many. However, this is not a good plan. You’re not going to feel passion every single day. When you have self-discipline, you tend to get it done regardless of your thoughts and feelings.

6. You’ll Be Much Healthier – Due to not eating everything you see, not avoiding exercise, and working hard instead of avoiding work (which is actually stressful), you’re going to be much healthier. You’ll feel better physically and mentally because you’re making better choices.

7. You Have Better Relationships – When you are not just saying whatever comes to your mind, and when you’re not selfish but are there for your friends and family, you’re going to have better relationships. People know they can count on you.

8. You’ll Sleep Better – When you get up at a normal time each day, go to bed at a normal time each night, and eat right most days – as well as do what you say you’ll do – you’ll probably sleep a lot better every night.

9. You’ll Feel Less Guilt – When you follow through in life – whether it’s something you promised to yourself or someone else, you feel less guilt. You won’t have any reason to feel guilty due to your good choices.

When you have self-discipline, it doesn’t mean that you aren’t a fun person or that you can’t be spontaneous. It simply means that you are reliant on yourself, trust yourself, and show this by doing what you promise yourself and others that you will do.

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